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Supporting Recovery for Methamphetamine Addiction.
24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Jan


    I have schizophrenia, and I stopped using meth ten months ago and I still have severe insomnia that no drugs have been able to fix. I was wondering if I did permanent damage so now nothing works to cure the insomnia.

    I wish I were able to give you a complete answer but I can't. You would have to see your physician and have tests run to determine if there is any permanent damage from using meth. I can tell you that it can take a long time to heal the body after using meth though. Our bodies have enormous capability of healing itself but it naturally takes time. There are things you can do for yourself in the meantime that's helpful.

    You still need to see your physician to make sure everything is ok and eating right along with walking is very helpful when it comes to overall health and healing. Most people lose weight and deprive themselves of important nutrients when they're using drugs like meth and it can take a very long time for your body to repair itself. Help this along with good nutrition and walking, it can do wonders for your emotional and physical well-being. This can also aid eventually with sleep. I wish I could have given you a more exact answer but that would be impossible since I'm not a doctor.

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