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24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Apr


    Why does a user lie so much and keeps denying till the end that they are not using?

    Denial is part of a drug user?s coping mechanism. They lie to themselves about their drug or substance use as well as other people in their life. This is their way of justifying their drug use and when they become dependent lying is the only way they can rationalize or justify what they?re doing to them self.

    They make excuses to themselves as to why they use and they lie to you and everyone else about how often they use drugs. They begin to hide their use and tell themselves they?re going to cut down but this is the only way they can rationalize their own behavior. They minimize their problems associated with their addiction and blame others for a lot of their problems.

    Deep down I believe drug users realize what they?re doing to them self in the beginning but the more addicted they become to drugs like meth the more distorted their thinking becomes. By this time I don?t think they see the full impact drugs are having on them or the people who love and care about them. I believe most want help but are afraid. Many chronic addicts want help I believe but fear keeps them from getting help so they continue with their denial. Many addicted users are afraid of change and afraid of withdrawals and treatment so they continue to lie to themselves and everyone else in their life till the end.

    Many people who love and care about the meth or drug user enables them without realizing it. Family or friends tend to soften the blows associated with their drug use by covering for them or making excuses for their behavior which just strengthens the user?s denial. Tough love is hard to do but it can also help the person your care about in the long run.

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