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    Snails On Meth

    Snails On Meth

    Not only is methamphetamine an addictive drug, most meth addicts have a hard time recovering from this addiction. Meth changes the way your brain functions and possibly makes it harder to forget things like the effects of meth use. Most chronic meth users need Residential Treatment and intense behavioral therapy when working toward recovery because this addiction is very hard to overcome.

    Do you think a dose of meth could enhance the memory of a typical pond snail? If you're shaking your head 'No', think again. According to Barbara Sorg from Washington State University amphetamines enhance memory. Methamphetamine drugs like Crystal meth are extremely addictive when used; addictions to meth are very hard to overcome.

    TAccording to Sorg memory plays an important part in addiction. In order to get a better understanding of the effects of meth use and memory, Sorg and her team decided to see what effects meth would have on a pond snail's memory when it came to its breathing behavior. Through research it's known that these snails are able to hold memories associated with breathing, they can remember when to breathe through their breathing tubes. A snail's memory is only about a few hours long.

    The research showed that a dose of meth before the snails training improved their memories and things they should have forgotten they hadn't. If the meth memory is that much stronger and harder to mask, that may explain why meth addiction is a memory that's not easily forgotten.

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