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  • Dec

    How do I Renew My Energy Level While Recovering

    I would love to beat this and I know I can. My only concern is that after a few days I lose my motivation to do anything and I get really tired even if I've rested 8 hours a day for the past week I find it hard to keep my eyes open. Sad I know but is there something that I can take to get me past this trying time?

    Losing your motivation is understandable because your body is going through a lot of changes right now emotionally and physically. It?s not easy doing this on your own you need a good support system at this time even if it?s a good friend or family member to help you through the emotional hard times.

    You didn?t specify how long you used, this can take quite some time and the fatigue can last for a while. Believe it or not it?s important that you get plenty of rest, eat as healthy as possible, drink lots of good fluids including water and if your tiredness and fatigue gets worse it may be a good idea to see your physician to be on the safe side. You don?t want to trade one addiction for another but sometimes medications can help as long as they?re prescribed for you and you take them as directed. Just don?t get them from friends and try to self-medicate your own symptoms.

    Keep telling yourself that you can do this because you?re worth it and if it gets too hard, ask for help. Take it one minute, one hour and one day at a time and don?t focus on tomorrow, just focus on now. Setting long term goals is important but in the beginning sometimes it?s better to break it down into small segments at first. As time goes on, it will get easier and easier but don?t be afraid to ask your physician for help or attend a support group.

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