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  • Jul

    Medical Treatments That Reverse Damage Done to the Brain by Meth

    I am a recovering addict of going on 5 years and still seem to have trouble with organization skills. When I was high, everything in my house was clean and in order. Now, it's like it's a struggle to keep everything together, even after 5 years. It's like I don't have motivation to do normal, everyday tasks that I know need to be done (dishes, laundry, etc.). Is there any advice that you can give me that might help me out? I have heard that there are new medical treatments that reverse the damage meth and other drugs have had on the brain, bringing the brain back to its original state. Please advise and thanks.

    There are no miracle cures at the moment to help reverse the damage done to the brain from meth, misuse, abuse or addiction. Studies and research are being done so hopefully one day doctors, physicians and hospitals will be able to treat or even reverse the damage done to the brain by meth. A study done back in 2000 showed that using meth caused brain cells to be diseased, unhealthy and damaged. Meth abuse can also cause loss of brain cells. Loss or diseased brain cells can be associated with diseases such as stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer's and more. Recovering from any addiction is going to be hard, take a lot of strength and will power as there will always be cravings and some form of temptations.

    Everyday tasks may have seemed easier, your house may have stayed cleaned and everything may have stayed in order while you were abusing meth because you never slept. You had lots of energy and I am assuming you used that energy to keep up with your house and everyday chores and that's not healthy. When you stop and think about it you were slowly killing yourself.

    Your body takes a long time to heal and recover from any form of addiction. Depending on how bad the drug use really determines how quick an addicts body, mind and spirit recover. Then there are times when one's body and brain never truly recover. Some studies show that after a year of Abstinence from Meth Abuse an individual's brain function will start to recover.

    I know that this has not been an easy road for you to travel but you should be proud of yourself that you have made it this far. You are winning one of the hardest battles so let me first congratulate you. Welcome to a lifetime of freedom and new beginnings.

    You will continue to have cravings and temptations for a majority of your life if not all of your life. I have provided some information below to try and help you when life starts feeling like it's too much or you start feeling weak but whatever you do continue you're counseling, therapy and/or meetings.


    Make a list of chores, errands or tasks that you need to accomplish that week and then split them up. Maybe do two or three of those tasks a day so you don't feel over whelmed. After splitting up the tasks if you still feel over whelmed ask a friend or family member for help.

    Feeling Stressed and Can't Sleep

    Find or get a hobby as this will help keep your mind occupied. Get some exercise whether it is walking, running or joining a gym. This will help your mind, body and spirit mentally and physically. Exercise is also great for relieving stress, anxiety and will also give you the energy you are lacking and weight lifting will help you build muscle giving you strength and endurance to handle your daily tasks. Try meditating, yoga or some form of relaxation especially after physical activity. This will help you mentally. Also make a weekly goal for yourself something you personally want to achieve and once you accomplish that reward yourself whether it is purchasing an outfit or something for your home. Then make a new goal for the following week as this will help you feel good about yourself and help build your self-esteem.

    Having Cravings and Feeling Weak

    Get to a meeting as this is priority and key to helping you stay sober. Contact your sponsor sand let him or her help you. Contact a close family member, friend or co-worker whom you can lean on and let them be your rock. Have that friend or family member stay with you for a few days so you're not alone.

    Life is not easy nor is it going to be easy. It does not matter how much money you have or what lifestyle you live. There will always be stress, tasks, a feeling that there is never enough time in one day to accomplish what you wanted to get done. You have to learn to take life one day at a time. Try not to let things stress you out so much (I know this is easier said than done). If something does stress you out just say to yourself "IT IS WHAT IT IS" then let it go. If you can't change it why let it control or over whelm you.

    Life is to short and now that you have your life back you have so much to live for, so much to see, so much to do and so many family, friends and co-workers to spend time with. You deserve freedom, happiness, to be healthy and to live life to its fullest and if you ever truly feel you just can't do it no more, or you feel like you're alone in your fight call 1-800-559-9503. They truly care and want to help you. Just remember one thing YOUR WORTH IT.

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