
Find Meth Addiction Treatment - 24 Hour Helpline 1-800-853-1387 Who Answers?

Supporting Recovery for Methamphetamine Addiction.
24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Aug

    Meth Treatment and Insurance

    We would like to know more about the processs, like how long, how much money and does ohp cover this. thank you for your time and consideration.

    Unfortunately there's no way to give a complete answer to your questions. People recover from meth addiction all the time but it can be very challenging for chronic long time users. Frequent and long term users usually require a more intense form of treatment most of the time. Residential (inpatient) treatment works best for chronic meth users because they need to be away from their normal surroundings. Residential treatment centers vary in cost. Not all treatment programs provide detoxification this can make a difference with cost and length of stay.

    The length of stay depends on the treatment facility and the extent of treatment a person needs. Intensive outpatient treatment is also a good option for less intense addiction. Again the length of outpatient treatment is determined by the facility and the individual because everyone's recovery is different in terms of time. Outpatient treatment costs vary as well.

    All insurance companies are different and you would have to contact your insurance provider to see what types of treatment are covered under your policy. Unfortunately some insurance companies may not cover treatment for substance abuse. I wish I could have been more specific.

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