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Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Aug

    Should I Stop Meth Cold Turkey or Seek Medical Supervision

    I am a 48 year old woman. I have been doing meth for about5 years. I have been doing it every day for 15 years. I want to quit so bad but I am scared. There is times when I wake up I feel terrible as if I had a bad hang over. I hate it. I feel better after I use meth. I am scared that something bad will happen to me if I quit. Considering I have used meth for so many years. Meaning if I quit cold turkey is that bad for me or do I need help from a doctor. For example if you drink alcohol you need to be real careful when you detox.

    By: Jessica

    Hi Jessica,

    I'm happy you're ready to make changes in your life and stop using meth and I also understand the fears you have about quitting after 15 years of using. I know it must seem extremely overwhelming to you right now but you can do it, just please don't stop cold turkey on your own without medical supervision. 15 years is a long time and it's really important that you seek medical attention from a physician, hospital or substance abuse program that understands meth addiction and detoxification. Medically supervised detoxification is important in your case due to the length of time you've used meth on a daily basis. Please talk with your physician, hospital or a substance abuse provider about meth detoxification and don't go through this on your own and please?don't stop there.

    So many people think that after the detox process is over they'll be ok or that they're cured and can stay clean on their own but I promise you it's not that simple. There is no cure for addiction and detox just gets rid of the chemicals in your system. You still need to learn how to live life without using every day and how to avoid situations that will make staying clean difficult so please follow up with treatment from a substance abuse program that understands meth addiction. If you need help in finding a substance abuse treatment program in your area that specializes in meth addiction please don't hesitate to call 1-800-559-9503 and they will help you find a program that fits your needs. CMA (Crystal Meth Anonymous) is a wonderful support group that completely understands meth addiction and provides strength and support to people that are learning how to manage their daily lives without using which you may also find helpful.

    Good luck Jessica I know you can stop with the right help, just don't quit cold turkey on your own and please follow up with treatment and support.

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