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  • May

    Determining if Your Child Needs Those ADHD Meds

    Determining if Your Child Needs Those ADHD Meds

    Many young school aged children are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) every year and are prescribed stimulant medications for treating their symptoms. Pharmaceutical (medications), treatments are very beneficial for treating ADHD and when combined with behavioral therapy, it's the most effective way of treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for children as well as young adults.

    ADHD Symptoms

    There are several different symptoms displayed with ADHD but impulsiveness, lack of attention and hyperactivity are the group of symptoms associated with this disorder. Many people with ADHD have a combination of all 3 and experience impulsive behaviors, have a hard time staying still, focusing and paying attention but some may just experience problems with attention (inattentiveness).

    Sometimes I think children are diagnosed with ADHD too quickly and are taking stimulant medications unnecessarily. Some children display symptoms that closely resemble signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder but they actually have learning disabilities or other problems. Taking stimulant medications unnecessarily can do more harm than good if a person doesn't need them. It's important that before a child is diagnosed with ADHD, other possible reasons for their behaviors be ruled out.

    There are also children and adults who have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and have never been diagnosed and struggle through life in school, with their careers, and with relationships. Some people struggle with the symptoms of ADHD throughout their life into adulthood and have to work hard at focusing, organizing and completing tasks just like they did when they were younger. Fortunately many people find ways of working around their symptoms and develop their own techniques that make their ADHD more manageable. Unfortunately sometimes this includes the use of alcohol or drugs and a whole new list of problems that make their life much more difficult.

    Adderall is one of the medications that are prescribed to treat attention deficit disorder but it's also a drug that's used by a lot of people and not for the treatment of ADHD. Adderall is misused and abused for various reasons by many teens, young adults and even some older adults and when taken for the wrong reasons, can lead to addiction and various other problems but what people don't stop to think about is that Adderall use and abuse can possibly cause death.

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