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  • Jul

    Large Scale Meth Bust Will Hopefully Save Lives

    Large Scale Meth Bust Will Hopefully Save Lives

    Methamphetamines are central nervous system stimulants, and as we all know by now are extremely powerful drugs that are easy to get, inexpensive, and a drug of choice by man young people and adults. One of the reasons crystal meth is so popular is because it's easy to produce and an abundance of this illegal man-made stimulant drug is constantly being trafficked throughout the United States.

    There are illegal meth labs everywhere and because the production of meth can take place in something as small as a soda bottle or in an unsuspecting trunk of a car, Crystal meth isn't hard to come by. There are also large illegal productions of methamphetamine that gets trafficked in from other states and a large portion goes in and out of a state without being seized by the authorities.

    The illegal production and abuse of crystal meth varies from state to state. In Nevada, methamphetamine has become a principle drug of concern in the past few years. Nevada is a point of importation and a transshipment location for meth. Most of the meth found in Nevada is imported into the state and is illegally produced in super labs which are large scale clandestine meth labs.

    Unfortunately authorities aren't always able to seize illegal drugs that are trafficked in and out of their state but when they do it's a relief to know that someone's life may possibly have been saved from an overdose because the shipment couldn't be distributed.

    Not all drug seizures consist of large amounts of illegal substances but sometimes they are. Recently the state of Nevada fortunately seized a vast amount of methamphetamine coming from several locations making it their biggest methamphetamine bust yet.

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