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    Meth Production and Abuse in Vermont

    Meth Production and Abuse in Vermont

    Meth production and use isn't a serious problem in Vermont right now, hopefully it stays that way. In some areas throughout the United States meth is still a problem of concern in terms of production, trafficking and use. Meth is a stimulant that's highly addictive and the effects can vary depending on how the drug is abused. A short-lived rush is achieved through injecting or smoking meth but a long lasting high is experienced through snorting or ingesting the addictive stimulant.

    The long lasting high that's reached could remain for "half a day" according to

    No matter how the illegal drug is administered, meth is extremely addictive and can easily lead to chronic use in a short period of time. Some people can easily become hooked on meth after using the drug for the first time because coming down isn't exactly an enjoyable experience. Some first time meth users experience wakefulness, pain and paranoia that can last for several days and feel the need to repeat their use while coming down because the experience is just that horrible.

    Meth addiction is very difficult to overcome and long term use can lead to violent behavior, mood disturbances, anxiety, confusion, insomnia confusion, and severe dental problems. Meth use causes chemical and molecular changes in the brain which can continue to be problematic long after a person stops abusing the drug.

    Fortunately some states like Vermont aren't dealing with serious meth problems right now like many other areas are in the U.S. In 2012 according to the Rutland Herald, only 4 meth labs were found in Vermont and since 2004, there have only been thirteen labs discovered in the state. Even arrests related to methamphetamine and amphetamines are low in Vermont. According to the article there were only twenty six arrests last year in that category.

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