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  • Sep

    Officer Overcome by Meth Lab Fumes at Sunset Hills Hotel

    Officer Overcome by Meth Lab Fumes at Sunset Hills Hotel

    With active ingredients like pseudoephedrine harder to come by, the 'one-pot' process of cooking meth has become even more popular among users and dealers. Also known as 'shake and bake', the one pot method is considered a mobile meth lab because the process only requires a container such as a plastic beverage bottle to manufacture the illegal drug.

    The one-pot process of cooking methamphetamine is extremely dangerous because the toxic ingredients build up pressure in the container which can easily explode. The container can explode even if it's shaken the wrong way. Because the one-pot method is so common anymore, authorities are discovering mobile meth labs everywhere, even in hotel rooms putting innocent guests in harm's way.

    Recently, a Sunset Hills officer had to be taken to the hospital because he became overcome by fumes when he stumbled upon an active meth lab at the EcnoLodge according to a FOX2now report. The meth lab was discovered accidently at the hotel when the officer was responding to a separate incident there.

    The officer spotted a person cutting a battery up and while investigating the situation, smoke and a powerful scent of chemicals coming from the room caught his attention and upon entering, he was overcome by the fumes. Unbelievably, the meth mixture was heating in a microwave, guests had to be evacuated but fortunately everyone was ok including the officer, the suspect was taken into custody according to the report.

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