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  • Jun

    Physicians Can Help Their Patients Before Addiction Sets In

    Physicians Can Help Their Patients Before Addiction Sets In

    When a person suffers from addiction they have lost control over their use of alcohol, drugs or any other substance that has become a problem in their life. When an individual is physically addicted their body has become dependent on the substance and they experience withdrawal symptoms if they're not using or drinking.

    Psychological addiction is associated with the compulsive need and desire to drink or use. This affects the addicted user psychologically and emotionally. Some people become aggressive, anxious, depressed and even paranoid if they're unable to use or drink again without some form of help.

    In the beginning of drug or alcohol use a person chooses to drink or use substances to become high or feel good. With frequent use over time, many drugs including alcohol need to be increased in order to achieve the same feelings. After a while, some people aren't drinking just to get intoxicated or using drugs to get high anymore, they're using because they physically or psychologically have to in order to make it through the day.

    Some people either choose to get help or are forced into getting help for their addictions but the majority of people are still in need of treatment for their dependency. The National Institute on Drug Abuse also known as NIDA, has launched their Addiction Performance Project which is an innovative medical education program that's designed for primary care providers to help them identify substance use in their patients.

    Addiction is a disease and hopefully someday physicians will be able to spot the signs of substance use in their patient's and help them before it accelerates to dependency or addiction.

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