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National Meth News and Headlines

  • Oct

    Teachers and Principals Busted for Possession of Meth

    Teachers and Principals Busted for Possession of Meth

    Unfortunately many of us automatically assume they're talking about a high school students when we hear that someone got caught bringing drugs to school. We forget that young and older adults abuse drugs too, from all walks of life. According to, Parker County Investigators received a tip which led to the arrest of a 46 year old teacher who taught third grade at Reno Elementary school. An informant in another case gave a tip to authorities about a third grade teacher bringing drugs on campus which turned out to be true.

    In court documents, investigators allege the teacher kept meth inside tinfoil in a picture album in her purse. The teacher told authorities "she utilized methamphetamines before going to work" off and on for 7 years according to the arrest warrant. The teacher had been with the district for at least ten years and even received an award from the PTA.

    In Santa Clara, California a forty two year old principal of an elementary school was arrested according to The principal was arrested for selling meth on the internet according to the article and authorities found meth, GHB and other pills in his home.

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