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Teen Stories of Meth Abuse and Struggles

  • Mar

    I Used to Just Smoke Weed

    Well to start off I'm 17 years old and been doing crystal meth for about 2 months now. At first I would always just smoke weed. I was a usual pothead getting high almost every day. I knew this guy from school I usually would go kick it with him to go smoke in his room. Well he had a sister which he would take us to her house to go smoke weed. After a while we kept going to her house and that's when I eventually found out she smoked crystal. I didn't really know what crystal really was at that time I would see other people in my classes smashing up crystals with their ids and then snorting it so I guess that was it. Well I tried crystal with my homie I don't know why but I did a line. It burnt the shit outta my nose. Weeks came by and we started hanging out with my homies sister a lot. It ended up that we started smoking (shit) that's what she calls it like all the time we were with her. All our friends would get money to buy 20 sacks of shit all the time. Well we would smoke it most of the time get all wired and shit. At first we started doing it 2-3 times a weeks for like the first month. After that it would be almost every day busting all nighters when we had school the next day or others had work. It was fun. I mean it still is fun haha because I still do it. The problems I get at home though is that once I come home from school I stay out till like 1 in the morning and come home to sleep for a couple of hours. Well my dad got so tired of it that he took my keys away and he locks me out of my room. Before it was never like this. My mom cries because I'm getting too skinny and she thinks I'm going to get sick or something. Does it seem like I'm an addict or is my life messing up already and I don't even see it. I don't know. Thanks for reading and reply if you have anything to help me out with thanks.

    Joel, California, USA

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