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    Crystal Meth and Depression

    Adolescent depression is an ongoing illness that affects many young people during their teenage years. Adolescent depression is a disorder that includes feelings of sadness, discouragement, low self-esteem and loss of self-worth. Teens suffering from this form of depression lose all interest in the activities and fun they use to enjoy and look forward to. This can be brought on for several reasons and many teens suffering from adolescent depression turn to stimulant drugs like crystal meth just to 'feel better'.

    Young adults as well as older adults also suffer from depression. Again there are many reasons in our life that can bring this illness on. The loss of a loved one, financial problems and worries, the loss of a job, broken relationships and health problems are some of the reasons depression and anxiety are brought on. When a person is feeling this sad and empty inside sometimes they look for ways to self-medicate themselves without seeking professional medical help. Then there are others that do seek help and are prescribed antidepressants but still feel they need more.

    Crystal meth makes a person feel fantastic, abnormally happy, and full of energy; the effects come on quickly and can last for many hours. People suffering from depression no matter what their age is; just want to feel better and happy. They want the emptiness inside to go away if even for a little while. This is the reason some turn to crystal meth in the first place, not realizing down the road crystal meth abuse causes severe depression.

    If a person no matter what the age is suffering from depression and uses methamphetamines like crystal meth to feel better, they could very easily become dependent on the stimulant drug in a short period of time. This is worry-some as far as young people are concerned, most young people don't realize how addictive crystal meth is or the dangers involved. Young people also tend to listen to their friends before they would listen to an adult, if their friends say meth is ok, they believe them.

    Habitual users of crystal meth tend to binge on this drug meaning they smoke crystal, become high, crash later, and use it again repeating this behavior. The main reason they binge is because they become dangerously depressed as well as paranoid when the effects begin to wear off. They are no longer smoking crystal meth to get 'high'; they are using it to get rid of the horrible, paranoid, depressive feelings experienced during and after the crash. Unfortunately it's a vicious cycle and the individual is in serious need of medical attention and drug abuse treatment.

    Treatment for Depression

    Whether it's adolescent depression or depression in adults there is treatment available, treatment is much safer than self-medicating with stimulant drugs like crystal meth. Antidepressants can be prescribed by a physician and is closely monitored to make sure you're taking not only the right medication but the right dose. Counseling or therapy is also beneficial for anyone suffering from depression. Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga are excellent ways of dealing with stress and depression especially when combining these exercises with prescribed medication.

    Everyone becomes down, sad, and depressed sometimes but depression that lasts for long periods of time can be serious. Below you will find symptoms of depression, the severity, length of time and frequency can vary from person to person. Depression symptoms include:

    1. Sad, anxious, and feeling empty inside; these feelings are persistent
    2. Feeling hopeless, gloomy and negative
    3. Feeling worthless, helpless, and hopeless
    4. Feeling irritable and restless
    5. Things you enjoyed at one time like hobbies, fun activities and sex no longer interest you, nothing is pleasurable anymore.
    6. Finding it very difficult to concentrate, make decisions or remember things
    7. Sleep problems like insomnia, sleeping too much, restless sleep, and very little restful sleep
    8. Loss of appetite
    9. Overeating
    10. Suicidal thoughts
    11. Suicidal attempts
    12. Headaches and body aches and pains
    13. Stomach and digestive problems

Resources and Reference

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