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  • Jul

    Granddaughter Ingests Tea Laced with Meth Grandma Arrested

    Granddaughter Ingests Tea Laced with Meth Grandma Arrested

    Accidental ingestion of meth laced tea by a two year old little girl resulted in the child being taken to the hospital by her mother and the arrest of the toddler's 51 year old grandmother of Oregon according to numerous reports this week.

    Apparently at bedtime the mother of the little 2 year old noticed her daughter was displaying some strange behaviors and became concerned then took the child to the hospital to be examined. reports the little girl was scratching, rapidly speaking, agitated and couldn't remain still.

    Physicians at the hospital determined the little girl was under the influence of meth according to the Los Angeles Times report. As it turns out, without anyone's knowledge the toddler must have ingested some of the meth laced tea her grandmother had prepared for herself. Thankfully according to their report the toddler was ok and the grandmother was taken into custody.

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