
Find Meth Addiction Treatment - 24 Hour Helpline 1-800-853-1387 Who Answers?

Supporting Recovery for Methamphetamine Addiction.
24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Sep

    Meth Cravings, Depression and Helpful Medications

    What is the best pill to stop craving and put the happy back in my brain and What is the best anti deppresant to help stop the cravings?

    Meth addiction is very dangerous and it's a drug that most addicts can't quit without the proper treatment and therapy. Studies are being done to try and find some form of medication or treatment to help stop the cravings and to help addicts be able to stop their meth use safely.

    There is no magic pill for stopping your addiction to meth or to stop the cravings. There was a study done by researchers back in 2005 at the University of California in Los Angeles that showed Bupropion, Zyban and Wellbutrin helped reduce the high an addict experienced and it's believed it could help cut the cravings one experiences but the study is still being done.

    I would not going popping pills to try and help cure your cravings or to help with the depression as one can become addicted to those pills plus taking all different types of pills is not good for your health.

    My best advice would be to get yourself into a clinic and treatment center but make sure you also go through counseling as you need to treat the mental health disorder just as much as you need to treat the substance abuse disorder. By treating both the mental health and substance abuse you have a much greater chance of a successful recovery. While going through treatment and therapy a counselor may prescribe a medication to try and help you during your recovery.

    If you need help to find the appropriate treatment center, most affordable treatment center or closest treatment center call 1-800-559-9503. Their staff really cares and wants to help you turn your life around.

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