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Supporting Recovery for Methamphetamine Addiction.
24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Letters From Family & Friends of Meth Addicts

  • Feb


    Thank you for sharing your story. The sad part is that so many families are faced with the same decision to cut the person off before everyone gets dragged down to their depths and everything worth anything is destroyed. Other than a planned intervention where there is a waiting and available bed in treatment somewhere, the person needs to be faced with the reality of what their addiction is costing them. Sometimes it has to get to the point of Quit or Die Perhaps you're leaving will be the key that wakes your partner up. Whether your partner or any addict will then take on the responsibility for their behavior and the choices they have made or continues to blame everyone and everything else is up to them. You might try leaving some of the addict stories from the web site out to be read. Honestly, at this stage they just need to be brought to a point where they realize what they are doing. Then getting the person help is a whole other matter.

    Regards, Doug Pamenter

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