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24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Teen Stories of Meth Abuse and Struggles

  • Mar

    I Can Stop Whenever I want To

    Well where to start? The first time I did dope or meth was when I was 13. I was walking down the street and some guy picked me up. We went back to his house and we smoked it out of a glass pipe. That night was the craziest night of my life. My Dad is a drug abuser also and about 6 months before I first tried it my Dad was up in Maple Valley cooking it in the basement of our house.

    I used to say - I would never do it. I think everyone who has done it said it before. Now I am still using and I am only 15 years old. I have been to treatment once and I relapsed the day I got out with my mother. I am 15 and I have had sex with a 50 year old when I was high. No one knows what it's like. When I was 14, I had a 37 year old boyfriend who made meth. He cooked it and would have pounds on the counter. Just yesterday morning, I smoked dope with my best friend. I am not addicted though, thank God; because I can stop whenever I want to.

    Robyn M., Tacoma, WA, USA

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