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  • Aug

    Abusing Meth in High Doses Can Be Life-Threatening

    Abusing Meth in High Doses Can Be Life-Threatening

    Street meth is dangerously addictive it ends up completely taking over a person's life when it's repeatedly used because it's such a powerful destructive drug. A person's use of meth can become chronic very easily when they smoke, snort or inject the drug. Once meth reaches the brain, high levels of dopamine are released very rapidly producing a very intense rush the user experiences very fast.

    The intense pleasurable feelings alone are the reasons many people can't wait to repeat their use, some people feel as though they're hooked on the drug after they're first use. When a person's use of meth becomes chronic they have to use the drug on a regular basis, the stimulant is so powerful and toxic using large amounts can be very serious and possibly life-threatening.

    Abusing Meth in High Doses Can Lead to an Overdose

    A person doesn't have to be addicted to methamphetamine to experience an overdose though. Using too much of the drug can cause very serious side effects that could possibly result in a fatal overdose. The use of meth causes a person's heart rate and blood pressure to increase, if too high of a dose is abused it can cause chest pains and could even lead to a stroke or heart attack.

    Some of the other symptoms associated with meth when used in high doses include; agitation, paranoia, stomach pain, problems breathing, kidney damage, kidney failure, and seizures. An overdose of meth can take place very quickly, symptoms need to be taken very seriously and medical help should be sought immediately because it could result in death.

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