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  • Sep

    High Potency Liquid Meth Bust in Colorado by Denver DEA

    High Potency Liquid Meth Bust in Colorado by Denver DEA

    Mexican drug trafficking organizations are responsible for a vast amount of meth that's sold and abused in the United States. Drug dealers are always coming up with new ways to smuggle illicit drugs across the border and it appears they came up with an unusual way to transport meth into the states and apparently they're getting even more creative.

    A highly potent form of methamphetamine is coming into Colorado, somehow drug dealers have found a way to fill flavored water bottles with liquid meth and factory seal them according to a CKHiD report. High potency liquid meth was also being trafficked into the state from Mexico stored in SUV windshield washer tanks and driven into Colorado.

    According to the video included on CKHiD's report, once the liquid meth comes into Colorado "it can be crystalized and sold on the streets. A water bottle full of liquid meth shown on the video was headed to Denver from Mexico and unbelievably the purity was around 90 to 99%, this one bottle alone could result in several thousand dollars' worth of meth.

    Couriers that were carrying or driving the liquid meth into Colorado were from the US, fortunately fifteen people were busted by Denver Colorado's DEA and indicted due to an investigation called "Operation Thirst Quencher".

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