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Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Jul

    Will I Be OK Now That I Stopped Using Meth?


    I tried Meth for the first time in 4 years. This is only my 3rd time. I snorted it for the first time this time too. I did a little more than I should have. The come down was worse than I've experienced before. I started twitching really bad for a few minutes, and had shortness of breath. I could feel my body reacting to the Meth, you know? Like my body was rejecting it, and reacting to it. This happened twice, and the second time I decided to go to the doctor. I was really scared about telling the doctor that I did Meth. I didn't know what to do. I did go to the doctor and just told them I didn't feel good, and lied that I may have injected some poisonous household products. They gave me an IV to hydrate my body, and boost electrolytes. They checked my vital signs and said they were okay. I didn't experience anymore twitching/shortness of breath or painful body symptoms for the next 16 hours, as of now.

    Am I okay? I know now, that I CAN tell the doctor that I did Meth, with no dire consequences. Now that I'm no longer showing those extreme come down symptoms, am I going to be okay most likely?

    By: Kevin

    Hi Kevin,

    There are several short and long term symptoms associated with the use of meth and shortness of breath, twitching and jerking are part of them. Fortunately you didn't overdose since you said you did more than you should have and no one really knows how their body will react each time. The symptoms you experienced get stronger the more you use meth so the next time could be much worse.

    Short term symptoms as I said include twitching, jerking, uncontrollable movements and shortness of breath but other symptoms include increased heart rate, depression, paranoia, hallucinations, moodiness, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, possible violent behavior and sleep problems.

    The more you use meth the symptoms you experienced will get worse, you still twitch, jerk and experience shortness of breath but can now start experiencing uncontrollable scratching causing sores, weight loss insomnia, possible seizures, panic attacks, anxiety, rage, and risk possible stroke, seizures, brain damage, and death. Naturally with continued use along with the symptoms experienced from the use of meth you also can become addicted to the drug relatively fast. I'm glad you're feeling better now but I wouldn't push it a second time.

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