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  • May

    Yaba, The Highly Addictive Stimulant Facts

    Yaba, The Highly Addictive Stimulant Facts

    Crystal meth isn't the only stimulant drug methamphetamine users traffic, abuse and become addicted to. Yaba is a form of methamphetamine that's abused by many drug users throughout the United States and is quite popular in some Asian communities. The term yaba means "crazy medicine" and is manufactured in parts of Asia.

    What's In Yaba?

    Yaba is a very dangerous drug like any other form of meth. It's a combination of caffeine and methamphetamine which is extremely powerful and addictive.

    What Does Yaba Look Like?

    Yaba comes in a tiny pill form that's about the size of an eraser from a pencil. Yaba tablets (pills) usually have a logo on them like R and WY and are either green or a reddish orange color. Not only are they bright in color but they can also be found in flavors like vanilla, grape and orange.

    How is Yaba Administered When Used?

    Most of the time people who use yaba to get high swallow the pills, but there are a lot of people that liquefy yaba by melting the tablet on top of foil and inhaling the fumes (vapors). This method of abusing yaba is called "chasing the dragon". Sometimes people snort yaba after they crush the pills or mix the yaba power with a liquid and inject the drug. No matter how yaba is administered, it's very addictive and dangerous when used.

    Is There Health Risks Involved When a Person Uses Yaba to Get high?

    Yes, just like any other form of methamphetamine there are serious problems a person can experience when using yaba to get high. Yaba users can experience rapid heart rates, elevated blood pressure, and strokes because yaba can damage the small blood vessels in the brain. People who chronically use yaba can also risk inflammation of their heart lining. Other symptoms associated with yaba use include:

    • Anxiety
    • Nervousness
    • Paranoia
    • Violent behavior
    • Confusion
    • Insomnia

    Yaba Overdose

    You may wonder if a person can overdose when using yaba and the answer is yes. It is possible to overdose if a person uses yaba and the dangers involved include hyperthermia, convulsions and unfortunately, death.

    More Interesting Yaba facts

    Yaba is purposely marketed to get the young generations attention, the colorful and sometimes candy flavored pills are popular at raves and dance parties among teens. Yaba is commonly referred to as Nazi speed and crazy medicine. Yaba is an illegal drug and is classified as a Schedule II substance because the potential for abuse is high and the powerful stimulant drug when used can cause physical and psychological addiction.

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