
Find Meth Addiction Treatment - 24 Hour Helpline 1-800-853-1387 Who Answers?

Supporting Recovery for Methamphetamine Addiction.
24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Jan

    A Typical User

    My girlfriend had a problem with crystal meth and may still be using, although she doesn't have any of the typical signs of a user. What steps could I take to help insure that she won't use again?

    There are really no steps to take that will prevent her from using crystal meth now or in the future. This is something she has to do for herself when she's ready. Interventions can be helpful if someone has a problem with crystal meth or any other substance abuse. A professional interventionist is able to help the user see their dependency to drugs for what it is. They are able to get through to the user in a calm and understanding way which isn't always the case when family or friends attempt to intervene on their own. Drug misuse and drug abuse issues are very delicate subjects to the user and denial and defensive reactions are normal.

    Talking calmly to her about the problem and suggesting treatment or Narcotics Anonymous is beneficial but it's still her choice. Counseling is also helpful for anyone struggling with substance use. It really depends on how bad she may be dependent on crystal meth; this is one drug that isn't easy to overcome on your own. The more chronic the dependency is the more intense treatment would need to be for successful long term recovery.

    Some of the common signs of crystal meth use include; agitation or hyperactivity, unusual sweating, excessive talking, increased sexuality, insomnia, compulsive behavior, obsessive picking of sores and track marks.

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