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Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Apr

    Signs of Meth Use

    What does a person who uses meth, use to smoke or inhale it? I'm saying this not because I'm an addict but because I know a friend who says he does meth and I would like to know what to look for in his room for proof that he actually uses it so I can get him help.


    1. Meth is smoked through a glass pipe
    2. Some people use aluminum foil or broken light bulbs
    3. Rolled up paper, dollar bills, broken ink pens (tube) or cut up pieces of straws are also used to inhale vapors if using foil or light bulbs
    4. Objects to clean pipes will be black and sooty; these items can be Q tips, rags or paper towels etc.
    5. Black soot may also be on their clothes from wiping their hands and fingers
    6. Baggies
    7. Mirror
    8. Razor blades
    9. Scales
    10. Matches or lighters or candles

    Followup Question:
    When should I be concerned about someone I care about using meth? They say that they have only used it a few times and are over it. What signs should I be looking for to see if they are lying?

    Meth is extremely addictive and many people get addicted after they use it the first time. I would always be concerned for anyone using meth even if it's their first time. Most people need help getting over their meth use especially if they've used it for any length of time. There are people that were able to quit on their own without help but that's definitely not true for everyone. It depends on the person and how heavy of a user they are. Some people only used meth a couple of times and were unable to stop without help. There is no way to know for sure if your friend is telling the truth or not.

    Meth users scratch and pick at their skin and create sores on their arms, face, legs and other areas of their body. Many meth users stay awake for long periods of time, sleeping during the day and up all night. They become moody and sometimes aggressive. A lot of meth users either can't keep a job or call in sick a lot. If they're in school they miss a lot. Meth can also cause body odor which isn't just the typical odor from sweat. Drug paraphernalia mentioned above will be lying around or hidden if they're smoking crystal meth or 'ice'. They also clench their jaws and grind their teeth a lot.

    Hopefully your friend is telling you the truth and they're really over it. If they're not, they do need help because meth isn't easy to 'just stop using' on your own.

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