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    Oxycontin Research Shows Helpful Results Pertaining to Meth Use and Autism Treatment

    Oxycontin Research Shows Helpful Results Pertaining to Meth Use and Autism Treatment

    Oxytocin is a hormone in the brain that's sometimes referred to as the 'love drug or cuddle chemical' and it's associated with bonding and attachment, child rearing, and social behavior. According to research when a person uses ecstasy the levels of oxytocin in our body increases.

    Ecstasy is a very popular party drug that is used by many teens and young people. Research shows that part of the effects people experience when using ecstasy or MDMA which is another name for the party drug could be due to oxytocin. When a person uses ecstasy their behavior becomes relaxed, warm and fuzzy.

    Meth when given in low doses orally showed the same warm behavior which is surprising because normally we think of emotionless and compulsive behavior with meth use.

    Through research they're finding that increasing oxytocin could reduce the desire for meth. McGregor is a professor of psychopharmacology at the University of Sydney. McGregor through research found that when giving oxytocin to rats they wanted nothing to do with methamphetamine. Gillinder Bendi is an assistant professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University and is the heading research on the effects of MDMA and methamphetamine.

    Because of the results found when oxytocin was studied on ecstasy and meth, there is a good possibility it could lead to new autism treatments.

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