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    UCLA Virtual Reality Meth Addiction

    UCLA Virtual Reality Meth Addiction

    At UCLA a study was done by their Addiction Researchers called Second Life to get a better understanding of methamphetamine use and the addictive response to the triggers the meth user experiences. In this study addicts that were seeking treatment were used, there were 17 volunteers involved in the study. The study was done with virtual drug use and virtual paraphernalia in a virtual meth house setting.

    This unique virtual meth house was designed from descriptions that drug users had given, the meth house included pipes, syringes, and other virtual second lifers (virtual people) using meth. The volunteers were sent to a room that only had a monitor, video game controller and surround sound system in it.

    Second Life involves a virtual meth house, a virtual clean room, a film that induces meth cravings, and a neutral film. The volunteers could use the virtual drugs if they chose to; their heart rates were monitored throughout the study by researchers. During virtual drug use, the users reported their levels of cravings. The clean apartment was an area that participants could go to in order to virtually relax without any temptations.

    Results of the study showed that heart rate differences were more pronounced during exposure to the virtual house for both high and low craving users compared to the neutral standard film.

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