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Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • Dec

    How Do I meet Drug Free Friends and Will I be Happy With a Drug Free Life

    Hi I am in the beginning stages of my recovery and hanging tough. But my question came to me the other morning as I watched my daughter get on the school bus. Happy to go to school see her classmates and teachers and it hit me, Where am I ever going to meet decent safe drug free people? I have live the last 30 yrs. around addict's ,drug dealers I thought were friends until I stop buying drugs they stop coming by. Will I ever be content with a normal friend no cacaos, drama, tweak talk! Have I become so use to life of drugs, fear and people unable to have any real emotion do the damage they also had suffered from drug abuse? So bottom line where are the real people hiding? Please don't said Rehab no offence but if and when i get a handle on my owe addiction I want to put that whole world behind me including Rehab Thank you Regina

    Regina, recovery takes time but I promise you there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you can and will meet new friends when you're ready. Unfortunately changing friends and lifestyle are a necessary part of recovery. Try not to focus too much on your long term future as far as friends and relationships are concerned, just focus on your healing, recovery and your daughter right now. As you emotionally and physically heal from addiction, you will want to meet new people and you will be content with a chaotic and drama free life.

    Everything is overwhelming in the beginning stages of recovery but you need a good support system during this time. Hopefully you have a family member or drug free friend to be there for you, this is so important. I realize not everyone is comfortable with attending support group meetings but they really do help and you're able to meet people who understand what you're going through, give you positive encouragement and strength during this important yet positive time in your life.

    Just take your recovery a day at a time and you will meet people when you're emotionally and physically ready. Try not to put too much pressure and emphasis on future friends and relationships right now, you're headed in the right direction, you have a beautiful daughter in your life, and you have the will to heal and recovery. Best of Luck

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