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Letters from Crystal Meth Users

  • Feb

    Meth Abuse and Calcium Supplements

    I was a regular poster to the meth board for about for a year and a half, and like T. I needed a break from thinking about meth, it really got to me. Since I have been clean for nine months, besides the three heart attacks I suffered while using meth, I have developed a new medical condition called Drug Induced Osteoporosis. It is caused by Meth absorbing calcium; it is why so many meth addicts lose their teeth. I was an especially heavy user who snorted or smoked 1/4 an ounce a day of pure glass. I am in extreme pain every second of the day, some days are better than others, some days I cannot walk at all. My pelvis and hips, spine, and shoulders are greatly deteriorated. I am not an 80 year old woman, but a 24 year old man. The condition is reversible, but please if you are using or do not use anymore it is a good idea to start taking 2 x 600 milligrams of calcium a day just to keep yourself healthy, so once you quit you do not get my agonizingly painful bone disorder.
    Take care, as always, D.

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