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Methamphetamine Abuse Poems

  • Jan

    I Used to Be a Tweeker - Sid

    I used to be a tweeker
    Never had to sleep
    I used to be a tweeker
    Turned into a creep
    I used to be a tweeker
    Those hits I took-'like wow!'
    I used to be a tweeker
    If you could see me now
    I used to be a tweeker
    Had the bombest shit in town
    I used to be a tweeker
    Kids would steal before come down
    I used to be a tweeker
    Make it? Sure, what the hell!
    I used to be a tweeker
    Convicted? Hmmm oh well
    I used to be a tweeker
    My lawyer can confirm
    I used to be a tweeker
    Doing a 3-year prison term.

    Ninilicious, Los Angeles, California, USA

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