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24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


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  • Sep

    Another Precious Life Lost to Methamphetamine

    Another Precious Life Lost to Methamphetamine

    It's so sad crystal meth is such a powerful addictive drug that it can completely destroy a person in a very short period of time. No one realizes just how destructive meth is until they see what it does to a person physically, mentally and spiritually just consuming them and ripping their life apart.

    What's even worse is that meth doesn't just affect the person that uses the drug, manufactures the illicit drug or even traffics the illegal drug because innocent people die from methamphetamine too. recently reported that a 17 month old lost his life because he ingested a large amount of meth. Even though his mother was found guilty of murder as well as involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment, an innocent precious life was lost due to the dangerous and illegal drug that continues to destroy lives.

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