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  • May

    Toxic Portable Meth Labs Found Before They Could Cause Harm

    Toxic Portable Meth Labs Found Before They Could Cause Harm

    Now that methamphetamine doesn't require a huge clandestine lab or near the amount of pseudoephedrine to produce the illicit drug, meth addicts are cooking their own supply to feed their habit. One-pot productions of meth, also known as 'shake and bake, may be an easier and faster method but it's just as dangerous as the large scale process of manufacturing methamphetamine.

    One-pot mobile meth labs pose an even bigger threat to the community because they're portable, manufactured in plastic bottles and can be taken anywhere because they're small enough to fit in a backpack or duffle bag. Quite often meth cooks use soda bottles or even gator aid plastic containers to manufacture the drug in so they're not hard to hide.

    Mobile Meth Lab Dangers

    One-pot meth operations are extremely dangerous, toxic and highly explosive and even more of a danger to society because when meth cooks are done with them, they're often dumped alongside the road. Plastic bottles used to cook meth are commonly found in wide open areas where children live and play and sometime they're still active. If a child finds a soda bottle or other plastic beverage container lying on the ground and it contains suspicious ingredients, it's only natural for them to pick it up out of curiosity.

    Authorities in Clare County, Michigan found twenty five portable meth labs last month in a ditch alongside the road according to An active portable meth lab was found by detectives eight days later. Thankfully they were found by authorities and not by a child.

    In Charleston, dangerous remnants from thirteen one pot meth operations were found in a suitcase that was just left in a parking lot according to Fortunately residents ran across the suitcase before any children would have stumbled on to it and out of curiosity opened it up.

    It's sad but summer is right around the corner and children will be playing outdoors, families will be camping and many people will be spending their summer enjoying themselves at the park or going for long walks. We need to stay aware of the fact that these dangerous one pot meth labs are commonly found alongside the road or left out in wide open areas where children can find them.

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